India Ulama must look up to lodestars — Nahdlatul Ulama & World Muslim League

India in the last one year saw two pivotal religious activities. One saw an assembly of Indian and Indonesian Ulama (scholars) deliberating upon fomenting interfaith dialogue. The second was the visit of Sheikh Mohammed Abdul Karim al-Issa who is chief…

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Lest we forget: Sher Ali Afridi, Indian Heroe of courage & patriotism

Sher Ali Afridi has a dark, sombre story, yet, learning about his life often leaves one with mixed feelings and conflicted moral takes. Born in the Tirah Valley of the Khyber Agency in present-day Pakistan, Sher Ali Afridi belonged to…

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Meaning of Dr al-Issa’s visit for Islam, India and Muslim youth

Dr Shujaat Ali Quadri   Dr Muhammad bin Abdulkarim al-Issa, powerful Secretary General of World Muslim League, completed his very successful 6-day visit to India last week. The success of his rigorous tour doesn’t lie in the fact that he…

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